
Aka: Lucky

“Don’t let the past get you down. Learn from it and push onward with what you learned.”

About Me

I am an artist hoping to get into the world of comics someday!
I also dabble in many other things as a hobby.

She/they/flower/plant, thinking of getting even more neos too.

Fandoms:OMORI, Pokemon, Flight Rising,

I do believe in a divinely created world, but I will not judge you if you believe differently. Your beliefs are your beliefs, and my beliefs are my beliefs. I won't force mine upon you.MBTI - INFPI have escalaphobia, bathmophobia, and acrophobia. I don't mind images of these things, though.if i could choose to die in any way possible, i would die in a grain elevator explosion, with me being the cause

Do Not Interact List

(Types of people I want nothing to do with)

Racists ~ This one is just common sense. If you hate someone due to their skin color or place of birth, I do not want to talk to you.

People who believe disabilities are only physical ~ They are not only physical. They can be mental too.
MCYT fans ~ I'm sorry, but even if it's a comfort. The whole fandom makes me waaaaay too uncomfy.
Proshippers ~ Seriously. No. Just no.
Those on thin ice include:

Triggers/Uncomfy Subjects

The obvious ones:
Abortion, Su*c*de, Self Harm, Cancer, Smoking, Drinking, Gore, any and all NSFW and sexual subjects, incest, proshipping and pedophilia
Not-So-Obvious ones:
Steven Universe, the spelling of 'frog' as Frogge, being called a furry, being called 'Hurty', any and all MCYT subjects,

Lucky's great, not terrible advice

Forks should be microwaved.

Yellow Snow is lemon flavored.

Eating raw noodles is okay.Throwing rocks covered in copper wire at power lines is a fun outdoor activity for all ages!

List of projects


Sotaria is my own take on the classical world of fantasy. It’s meant to be a unique interpretation of the tried and true setting of a world with mythical creatures, dragons, and much more. It doesn’t really fit any category of fantasy that I know of.Sotaria will most likely release as a webcomic several years down the road. For now, I'm worldbuilding it from the ground up!